( O dia a dia de treinamento de Wing Chun Kung Fu aplicado ao combate é cheio de trabalho constante.)
(The day to day in training of Wing Chun Kung Fu applied to the fighting is full of constant work.)
O tempo passa rápido demais...Se a gente parar pra pensar, talvez a coisa mais implacável que exista na vida - além da morte - seja o tempo. E o tempo, não vai esperar por você; Não vai ''dar um desconto pra você'', pro seu atraso costumeiro ou pra você ''relaxar''. Não, ele vai passar e se você não estiver atento, vai te deixar pra trás!
Em momentos de folga ( cada vez mais raros), eu me divirto vendo alguns memes na internet e um ou outro faz uma piada com isso...Eu geralmente penso; - '' Que nada, isso é só pra fazer graça...'' mas algumas vezes, relembrando momentos, vendo vídeos e fotos, lembrando das pessoas que já conheci, que passaram pela escola, que chegaram e ficaram até hoje, ou de amigos e parentes que há muito não vejo, chego a me assustar com o quão longínquo aqueles momentos já estão...
Time passes too quickly ... If we stop to think, perhaps the most ruthless thing that exists in life - not to mention the death - is time. And time will not wait for you; I will not 'give a discount for you,' 'for your usual delay or for you' 'relax' '. No, it will pass and if you're not careful, will leave you behind!
In his spare time (increasingly rare), I enjoy seeing some memes on the internet and either makes a joke about it ... I usually think; - '' Nah, that's just to make fun ... '' but sometimes, recalling moments, watching videos and photos, remembering the people I've met who have gone through the school, which arrived and stayed until today, or friends and relatives who have long not see, I come to scare me at how far those times already ...

And we often do not even realize how much time is really fast and not only the circumstances change over time, but people also change ... During the last week we had a meeting with teachers and administration in Eden - School of dance and Natural Exercises, which currently teach and practice the Wing Chun of our family, and mentioned the fact that we have a year working together in team with Kung Fu, with martial arts, dances and Chinese therapies. ..but it was only after I left the meeting I had the '' click '' ...- '' Wow !! one year!! How it pass quickly!!! '
Sim, um ano se passou e nesse processo algumas boas coisas aconteceram, outras coisas ruins também aconteceram. E tudo o que veio, de bom ou de ruim, no final das contas, serve como lição, amadurecimento e crescimento, porque serão essas experiências que serão utilizadas mais na frente como referencial para que quando acontecer algo parecido, seja lá o que for, de bom ou de ruim que possa acontecer, a gente também saiba lidar melhor. As pessoas especiais que conheci, as pessoas que eu conhecia e que mudaram completamente e hoje se afastaram, das situações embaraçosas, das situações engraçadas, sérias, o tanto quanto eu mesmo mudei...As lutas, o treino diário puxado, aguerrido, mesmo com dores, com vontade de dizer ; - ''Hoje não...'', mas com aquela voz interior no ouvido dizendo; - ''Bora velho! Faça!'' E você vai lá e faz! Tudo, tudo e mais outras zilhões de situações, pessoas, acontecimentos, fatos, mudanças, tudo, passa e passa rápido!
Yes, a year has passed and in the process some good things happened, some bad things also happened. And all that came, good or bad, in the end, serves as a lesson, maturation and growth, as will those experiences that will be used more in front as a reference so that when something happens like that, whatever it is, good or bad that can happen, we also know better deal. Special people I met, people I knew and that changed completely and now moved away, the embarrassment, the funny, serious situations, as much as I even changed ... the fights, pulled daily workout, embattled, even in pain, wanting to say; - '' Not today ... '', but that inner voice in his ear saying; - '' Lets go Old Man ! Do it! '' And you go there and do! Everything, everything and more other gazillion situations, people, events, facts, changes, everything goes and goes fast!

E o que eu acho engraçado é que, como diz um dos caras mais legais que surgiram nesses últimos tempos na internet, o Winderson Nunes; - '' O povo só gosta de ver o quanto de pinga você paga e toma, mas não gosta de ver os tombos que você leva...''

What I find funny is that, as one of the coolest guys that have arisen in recent times on the internet, Winderson Nunes; - '' The people just like to see how much you pay dribbles and takes, but do not like to see the bumps that you take ... ''
They THINK or have the idea that we are very successful ... we are earning well, that because of Dido are the new secretary of FPKW, look at the photos of the school and think; - '' Wow, Dido is teaching in a rich place now ... '' And that obviously makes grow the eye of the envious. So much so that enemies who should be in the depths of beyond, occasionally resurface surrounding us ... But Fuck off ! I dont care! If you want to think about it, to think !! But only we know how hard it is, how much personal sacrifice we make, how we give ourselves to live and cultivate Kung Fu, for a living, thinking, acting and being. Crimping knowledge iron and fire, putting the heart into it, it is something for the few ... and the many who want to do this the easy way, just want the results but ignore the process! This is the big mistake.
Um ano se passou desde que a Juliana Fazio, proprietária da Eden, resolveu ''apostar'' no nosso trabalho e sou muitíssimo grato por isso! Não fosse isso, não teríamos metade da visibilidade que estamos ganhando aqui no estado e desde então, o trabalho vem crescendo. Estamos comemorando esse um ano com sentimento de gratidão. Pois isso foi o start para que pessoas especiais como são meus atuais alunos, pudessem encontrar na prática da arte do Wing Chun ( Ving Tsun) uma via de crescimento, que pudessem encontrar em contato com meu SiFu, ver seu exemplo, de trabalho duro, honesto e íntegro.
A year has passed since the Juliana Fazio, owner of Eden, decided to 'bet' in our work and I am most grateful for it! Were it not so, we would not have half the visibility we gained here in the state and since then the work has grown. We are celebrating that one year with feelings of gratitude. As this was the start for special people as are my current students, could find in the practice of the art of Wing Chun (Ving Tsun) a growth path, they could find in touch with my SiFu see his example of hard work, honesty and integrity.
( Foto tradicional SiFu-Todai, SiFu Marcos e eu, durante minha primeira viagem á salvador, em 2011)
(Traditional Photo SiFu-Todai, SiFu Marcos and i, during my first trip to Salvador in 2011)
They could have fun practicing a martial art with new friends and feeling of mutual growth, and they could, as I grow with them, with my SiFu and my kung fu brothers in Salvador, grow as people and be better people. Understanding that everything is kung fu and kung fu family are those people who help you and you help directly, understanding the motto of the Brazilian Wing Chun Academy; - '' Respect to be respected! '' And bringing it to life. I am very, very grateful !!
Mas o mais importante, não são as conquistas, vitórias ou derrotas. Isso tudo é cíclico. Mas o que importa é o vivenciar dessas experiências e o quanto conseguimos extrair de lições delas e coloca-las em nossa conduta. Porque como diz a música; - ''Tudo passa/tudo passará''. Um ano se passou na escola Eden, mas esse, foi o primeiro de muitos que ainda virão, acredito eu.
But most important, are not the achievements, victories or defeats. This is all cyclical. But what matters is the experience of these experiences and how we can draw from these lessons and put them in our conduct. Because as the song says; - '' Everything passes / pass all ''. A year has passed in the Eden school, but this was the first of many yet to come, I believe.
Deixo aqui o meu muito obrigado com a certeza de que continuaremos a trabalhar firme e forte!
I leave here my thanks to the certainty that we will continue to work going Strong!

Discípulo particular do SiFu Marcos de Abreu em Recife - PE- Brasil
Particular Disciple SiFu Marcos de Abreu in Recife - PE Brazil
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