No segundo post da Série ''Fala SiFu'', reproduzo aqui um texto de autoria de meu SiFu, SiFu Marcos de Abreu, publicado em 2011 em seu então blog. O texto é simplesmente fantástico e como por ocasião do treino ocorrido na ultima Segunda-feira, estávamos aqui em nosso núcleo em Recife a comentar da cena de The Grandmasters onde Ip Man ''prega'' um tipo de 'prego' de caixão chinês utilizando uma única estocada com o Luk Dim Boon Kwan - bastão de seis pontos e meio - o texto fala exatamente sobre isso; O bastão longo do sistema Wing Chun... Espero que aproveitem!!!
In the second post of the series' SiFu says, '' I reproduce here an authoring text my SiFu, SiFu Marcos de Abreu, published in 2011 in his blog. The text is simply fantastic and as during the incident training on last Monday, we were here in our group in Recife to review of The Grandmasters scene where Ip Man '' preaches' a kind of 'nail' Chinese coffin using a single lunge with Luk Dim Boon Kwan - bat six and a half points - the text speaks exactly about it; Long Bat Wing Chun system ... Hope you enjoy !!!
LUK DIM BOON KWUN - O Bastão Longo e sua influência técnica no Wing Chun
LUK DIM BOON KWAN - The Long pole and his technical influence in Wing Chun
By ; SiFu Marcos Abreu
SiFu Dr. Vansembergues Alves demonstra o movimento Hiung Kwun Luk
Dim Boon Kwun. Foto para o livro Kung Fu Wing Chun, Ed. Escala.
SiFu Dr. Vansembergues Alves shows the movement Kwun Hung Luk Dim Boon Kwun. Photo for the book Kung Fu Wing Chun, Ed. Scale.
SiFu Dr. Vansembergues Alves shows the movement Kwun Hung Luk Dim Boon Kwun. Photo for the book Kung Fu Wing Chun, Ed. Scale.
Conhecido no Brasil simplesmente como "Bastão Longo" o Luk Dim Boon Kwun é uma das duas armas que compõem as fases de treinamento do Wing Chun Kuen, junto a Baat Jam Dao (Faca de Oito cortes). Luk Dim Boon Kwun significa "Bastão de Seis Pontos e Meio" sendo seu nome uma referência ao número técnicas (pontos) e mais uma "meia técnica" que, pela contradição do nome, traz em si uma lição técnico-filosófica. Segundo o que Mestre Li Hon Ki, oitava geração de sucessores do nosso Phai (estilo), passou de precioso conhecimento das gerações que nos antecederam quando nos ensinou a confeccionar e, depois, manejar esta arma, trata-se originalmente de uma grande lança usada nas guerras logo na frente de batalha, possuindo no passado uma afiadíssima ponta metal. À medida que este conhecimento foi introduzido no templo Shaolin (Siu Lam) por guerreiros profissionais que buscavam abrigo no templo, os monges, proibidos por seu código de conduta de fazer alusão sequer a uma suposta intenção de matar outro ser humano, tiveram de retirar a ponta de metal original.
Known in Brazil simply as "Long Pole" Luk Dim Boon Kwun is one of two arms that make up the phases of training of Wing Chun Kuen, along with Baat Jam Dao (Eight knife cuts). Luk Dim Boon Kwun means "Six and half Point Pole" and its name a reference to the technical number (points) and more a "technical half" that the contradiction of the name, carries a technical and philosophical lesson. According to what Master Li Hon Ki, eighth generation of successors of our Phai (style), has precious knowledge of generations who taught before us when us to make and then wield this weapon, it is originally a large spear used wars logo at the front, having in the past a metal razor sharp edge. As this knowledge was introduced to the Shaolin Temple (Siu Lam) by professional warriors who sought shelter in the temple, monks, prohibited by its code of conduct to allude even to a supposed intention to kill another human being, they had to withdraw original metal tip ..
Known in Brazil simply as "Long Pole" Luk Dim Boon Kwun is one of two arms that make up the phases of training of Wing Chun Kuen, along with Baat Jam Dao (Eight knife cuts). Luk Dim Boon Kwun means "Six and half Point Pole" and its name a reference to the technical number (points) and more a "technical half" that the contradiction of the name, carries a technical and philosophical lesson. According to what Master Li Hon Ki, eighth generation of successors of our Phai (style), has precious knowledge of generations who taught before us when us to make and then wield this weapon, it is originally a large spear used wars logo at the front, having in the past a metal razor sharp edge. As this knowledge was introduced to the Shaolin Temple (Siu Lam) by professional warriors who sought shelter in the temple, monks, prohibited by its code of conduct to allude even to a supposed intention to kill another human being, they had to withdraw original metal tip ..
Entretanto, o próprio peso da arma, somado ao seu desenho (imagine uma espécie de taco de bilhar gigante, com uma extremidade de manejo de calibre maior que a da ponta, com flexibilidade suficiente apenas para não se partir facilmente) e ao grande comprimento que pode variar de 9 a 11 pés ingleses tornam um mínimo toque efetuado por parte de um expert algo potencialmente letal, o que faz pensar sobre a dificuldade de se associar boas intenções e preceitos religiosos com algo tão violento em sua essência original. É o paradoxo básico das artes marciais controlar os ímpetos agressivos e saber que com a habilidade para matar vem a responsabilidade de preservar a vida. Contudo, não pode haver paradoxo na técnica efetiva, porque o seu inimigo não terá a mesma misericórdia. A técnica antes de qualquer coisa deve funcionar. Se for possível fazer isso sem machucar de morte o inimigo, tanto melhor, mas em se tratando de Luk Dim Boon Kwun... Muita gente escreve bobagens sobre uma letalidade superior às demais lutas quando fala das técnicas de mãos livres do Wing Chun, mas são de fato as armas, mesmo adaptadas pelos monges para machucar menos, que continuam sendo o que há de mais arrasador dentro do sistema.
However, the gun own weight added to its design (imagine a kind of giant pool cue with one end gauge handling larger than the tip, with sufficient flexibility for non breaks easily) and to the great length can vary from 9 to 11 English feet make a minimum touch made by an expert something potentially lethal, what makes you think about the difficulty of associating good intentions and religious precepts with something so violent in its original essence. It is the basic paradox of martial arts control aggressive outbursts and know that with the ability to kill comes the responsibility to preserve life. However, there can be no paradox in effective technique because your enemy will not have the same mercy. The technique before anything should work. If you can do this without hurting the enemy to death, so much the better, but when it comes to Luk Dim Boon Kwun ... A lot of people write nonsense about a higher lethality to other fights when he speaks of the hand techniques of Wing Chun, but are in fact the weapons, even adapted by the monks to hurt less, which remain what is most devastating in the system.
However, the gun own weight added to its design (imagine a kind of giant pool cue with one end gauge handling larger than the tip, with sufficient flexibility for non breaks easily) and to the great length can vary from 9 to 11 English feet make a minimum touch made by an expert something potentially lethal, what makes you think about the difficulty of associating good intentions and religious precepts with something so violent in its original essence. It is the basic paradox of martial arts control aggressive outbursts and know that with the ability to kill comes the responsibility to preserve life. However, there can be no paradox in effective technique because your enemy will not have the same mercy. The technique before anything should work. If you can do this without hurting the enemy to death, so much the better, but when it comes to Luk Dim Boon Kwun ... A lot of people write nonsense about a higher lethality to other fights when he speaks of the hand techniques of Wing Chun, but are in fact the weapons, even adapted by the monks to hurt less, which remain what is most devastating in the system.
Como qualquer conhecimento saído dos meandros de um passado pouco formalmente documentado e passado oralmente de mestre para discípulo, uma certa fantasia, grau de estatus e aura de segredo ainda compõem a idéia da prática dos conteúdos superiores do sistema, por serem a última coisa que se aprende antes de concluir o treinamento, e porque, pelo menos em tese, boa parte dos mestres reservaria estes conteúdos apenas para seus alunos favoritos, ou aqueles que conseguiram manter-se na escola por tempo suficiente para merecer aprende-los e, um dia, passa-los adiante, mantendo vivo o conhecimento completo do sistema.
Any knowledge out the intricacies of a past little formally documented and passed orally from master to disciple, a certain fantasy, degree of status and secret aura still make up the practice of the idea of higher system content, because they are the last thing that learn before completing the training, and because, at least in theory, most of the teachers would allow these content only for their favorite students, or those who managed to remain in school long enough to deserve learn them, and one day, pass them on, keeping alive the full knowledge of the system.
Any knowledge out the intricacies of a past little formally documented and passed orally from master to disciple, a certain fantasy, degree of status and secret aura still make up the practice of the idea of higher system content, because they are the last thing that learn before completing the training, and because, at least in theory, most of the teachers would allow these content only for their favorite students, or those who managed to remain in school long enough to deserve learn them, and one day, pass them on, keeping alive the full knowledge of the system.
SiFu Marcos executa Tiu Kwun em boa postura em sua casa em Salvador.
SiFu Marcos performs' Tiu Kwun in good posture at his home in Salvador.
SiFu Marcos performs' Tiu Kwun in good posture at his home in Salvador.
A bem da verdade, e para este não ser apenas um mais um artigo hipócrita e positivo-moral-elitista como muitos outros que há por aí sobre os conteúdos reservados da luta, verdade seja dita: boa parte dos praticantes, inclusive acredito que infelizmente muitos que me lêem aqui não vai aprender estes conteúdos não porque não tenham grandes qualidades pessoais, bom nível de habilidade ou não sejam leais, mas porque existe uma tácita reserva de mercado que visa limitar a quantidade de mestres, já que Wing Chun é uma arte de curto aprendizado. Então não é de surpreender se você praticante faz parte de uma escola que está há anos e anos no país e não há uma só pessoa que conheça a fase superior do Wing Chun, ou haja uma discrepância muito grande entre o número de praticantes e aqueles sortudos que realmente foram até o fim.
To tell the truth, and this not only be a more a hypocrite and positive-moral-elitist article like many others there are out there on the reserved fighting content, truth be told, most of the practitioners even believe that unfortunately many reading me here will not learn these contents not because they have great personal qualities, good level of skill or are not loyal, but because there is a tacit market reserve aimed at limiting the number of teachers, as Wing Chun is an art short learning. So it is not surprising if you practitioner is part of a school that is for years and years in the country and there is no one who knows the upper stage of Wing Chun, or there is a very large discrepancy between the number of practitioners and those lucky they really were until the end.
To tell the truth, and this not only be a more a hypocrite and positive-moral-elitist article like many others there are out there on the reserved fighting content, truth be told, most of the practitioners even believe that unfortunately many reading me here will not learn these contents not because they have great personal qualities, good level of skill or are not loyal, but because there is a tacit market reserve aimed at limiting the number of teachers, as Wing Chun is an art short learning. So it is not surprising if you practitioner is part of a school that is for years and years in the country and there is no one who knows the upper stage of Wing Chun, or there is a very large discrepancy between the number of practitioners and those lucky they really were until the end.
Consagrada é a idéia de que as Facas de Oito Cortes são a última das seis fases de treinamento. De fato, se tomarmos apenas a similiridade técnica entre os contéudos e as fases de treinamento, Baat Jam Dao pode até ser a última técnica a ser aprendida, mas em algumas famílias como a minha, o pesado bastão é usualmente a última coisa a ser ensinada, por ser um conteúdo que difere um pouco do resto do sistema, embora o tenha influenciado definitivamente, como veremos mais adiante. É preciso um certo grau de força bruta para manejar uma arma tão grande, e a esta altura espera-se que o praticante que começou na adolescência já esteja forte o suficiente para isso. Numa família tradicional ou naquelas onde os pais são mestres de seus filhos porém, essa ordem pouco importa, podendo as armas serem treinadas até mesmo como parte do treinamento de mãos livres junto ao Boneco de Madeira. A divisão em fases de treinamento tem razões históricas que envolvem a facilitação do aprendizado, "graduação" por mérito, e, num passado distante, quando a arte saiu do templo e caiu na clandestinidade, proteger os praticantes - em sua grande maioria integrantes de sociedades secretas, sendo morte garantida a descoberta de suas atividades marciais - além de outras menos éticas como as mencionadas no parágrafo acima.
Consecrated is the idea that the Eight knifes cuts are the last of the six phases of training. In fact, if we take only the technical similiridade between content and training phases, Baat Jam Dao may even be the last technique to be learned, but in some families like mine, heavy long pole is usually the last thing to be taught , being a content that differs slightly from the rest of the system, although it has influenced definitely, as we shall see. a degree of brute force is needed to handle such a weapon, and this time it is expected that the practitioner who started in adolescence is already strong enough for this. A traditional family or those where parents are masters of their children but that order does not matter and can be trained weapons even as part of the training hands-free with the Wooden Dummy. The division into training phases has historical reasons involving the facilitation of learning, "graduation" for merit, and, in the distant past, when art came out of the temple and went into hiding, protect practitioners - mostly members of societies secret, and death guaranteed the discovery of his martial activities - and other less ethical as those mentioned in the paragraph above.
Consecrated is the idea that the Eight knifes cuts are the last of the six phases of training. In fact, if we take only the technical similiridade between content and training phases, Baat Jam Dao may even be the last technique to be learned, but in some families like mine, heavy long pole is usually the last thing to be taught , being a content that differs slightly from the rest of the system, although it has influenced definitely, as we shall see. a degree of brute force is needed to handle such a weapon, and this time it is expected that the practitioner who started in adolescence is already strong enough for this. A traditional family or those where parents are masters of their children but that order does not matter and can be trained weapons even as part of the training hands-free with the Wooden Dummy. The division into training phases has historical reasons involving the facilitation of learning, "graduation" for merit, and, in the distant past, when art came out of the temple and went into hiding, protect practitioners - mostly members of societies secret, and death guaranteed the discovery of his martial activities - and other less ethical as those mentioned in the paragraph above.
Luk Dim Boon Kwun tem uma característica peculiar que o distingue dos demais conteúdos do sistema por ter um conjunto de bases e movimentações que pouco mudou no decorrer das gerações. Enquanto a movimentação de facas e mãos livres foram se adaptando à movimentação mais curta e explosiva para efetuar fortes contra-ataques, o que acabou por mudar definitivamente o sistema de base, diferenciando-o visualmente de outros sistemas, o bastão longo do Wing Chun continuou mantendo boa parte das principais características de seu provável antecessor, o bastão longo do templo Shaolin, que pode ser visto em diferentes estilos de kung fu. Existe uma explicação muito simples do porquê disso ocorrer; o comprimento do bastão e, principalmente, o seu peso, somado à dificuldade de se simular um combate real simplesmente tornam difícil qualquer modificação no sistema de base, que acompanha o padrão original de Shaolin, que por seu turno tirou as suas principais bases da luta armada.
Luk Dim Boon Kwun has a unique characteristic that distinguishes it from other system content to have a set of bases and movements that little has changed over the generations. While the movement of knives and hands were adapting to the shorter and explosive movement to make strong counterattacks, which turned out to definitely change the basic system, distinguishing it visually from other systems, over Wing Chun bat continued keeping much of the key features of its predecessor likely, the long stick of Shaolin temple, which can be seen in different kung fu styles. There is a very simple explanation of why it occurs; the rod length, and especially their weight, added to the difficulty of simulating actual combat simply make changes difficult in the base system, which follows the original pattern of Shaolin, which in turn took its main bases of the fight armed.
Por isso, é possível dizer que o bastão longo é uma conexão entre a técnica atual do sistema e a técnica original do templo Shaolin. Muitos outros estilos de wushu chinês possuem a mesma arma em seus currículos tem as mesmas "seis" técnicas de bastão que dão nome da forma no estilo de Yip Man, com poucas variações estilísticas; entretanto, Wing Chun tem uma técnica a mais, chamada curiosamente de "Meio Ponto", ou "Meia Técnica", que é um movimento curto que demonstra a capacidade de adaptação e improviso no "momento crítico da luta". Para aqueles que acreditam que o bastão foi incorporado ao sistema Wing Chun quando este já tinha as características atuais, esta é uma clara influencia do "wing chun" na técnica do bastão longo original de shaolin.
So it is possible to say that the long pole is a connection between the current technical system and the original technique of the Shaolin temple. Many other Chinese wushu styles have the same weapon in their curricula has the same "six" pole techniques that give shape name in the style of Ip Man, with few stylistic variations; However, Wing Chun has one more technique, called curiously "Half Point" or "Technical Half" which is a short movement that demonstrates the adaptability and improvisation in "critical moment of the fight." For those who believe that the bat was incorporated into Wing Chun system when it already had the current characteristics, this is a clear influence of the "wing chun" in the original long pole technique of shaolin.
So it is possible to say that the long pole is a connection between the current technical system and the original technique of the Shaolin temple. Many other Chinese wushu styles have the same weapon in their curricula has the same "six" pole techniques that give shape name in the style of Ip Man, with few stylistic variations; However, Wing Chun has one more technique, called curiously "Half Point" or "Technical Half" which is a short movement that demonstrates the adaptability and improvisation in "critical moment of the fight." For those who believe that the bat was incorporated into Wing Chun system when it already had the current characteristics, this is a clear influence of the "wing chun" in the original long pole technique of shaolin.
SiFu Marcos demonstra Puot Kwun na mudança para próximo movimento.
SiFu Marcos demonstrates Pot Kwun in moving to next move.
SiFu Marcos demonstrates Pot Kwun in moving to next move.
E qual seria então a influência de Luk Dim Boon Kwun no Wing Chun? A resposta mais óbvia tem haver com a "Teoria da Linha Central" que instrui o lutador de Wing Chun a usar sempre que possível linhas retas de ataque e, junto, cobrir-se defensivamente após um ataque que não tenha tido sucesso; a isso os mestres da luta comumente chamam de "recuperar a linha central" . Na luta real com o bastão, isso tem um motivo que pode ser a diferença entre a vida e a morte. Lutando em relativa segurança conferida pelo comprimento da arma, um movimento para o lado no momento errado pode ser a oportunidade para inimigo com outra arma longa conseguir um pequeno espaço para uma estocada mortal, ou a oportunidade para alguém com uma arma curta conseguir encurtar a distância do bastão o suficiente para torná-lo completamente inútil no corpo-a-corpo. Neste sentido, controlar a "linha" com o bastão siginfica ter as melhores oportunidades em um combate que pode ser decidido em poucos segundos.
And then what would be the influence of Luk Dim Boon Kwun in Wing Chun? The most obvious answer has to do with the "Theory of the Central Line" that instructs the Wing Chun fighter to use whenever possible straight lines of attack and, together, cover up defensively after an attack that has not been successful; That the fight masters commonly call "recover the center line." In real fight with the pole, this is a subject that can be the difference between life and death. Fighting in relative safety given by the length of the gun, a move to the side at the wrong time can be an opportunity for enemy with another long gun get a small space for a deadly thrust, or the opportunity for someone with a handgun able to shorten the distance bat enough to make it completely useless in hand-to-hand. In this sense, control the "line" with the pole means to have the best opportunities in a fight that can be decided in a few seconds.
And then what would be the influence of Luk Dim Boon Kwun in Wing Chun? The most obvious answer has to do with the "Theory of the Central Line" that instructs the Wing Chun fighter to use whenever possible straight lines of attack and, together, cover up defensively after an attack that has not been successful; That the fight masters commonly call "recover the center line." In real fight with the pole, this is a subject that can be the difference between life and death. Fighting in relative safety given by the length of the gun, a move to the side at the wrong time can be an opportunity for enemy with another long gun get a small space for a deadly thrust, or the opportunity for someone with a handgun able to shorten the distance bat enough to make it completely useless in hand-to-hand. In this sense, control the "line" with the pole means to have the best opportunities in a fight that can be decided in a few seconds.
A segunda resposta, embora não menos óbvia, surpreendentemente não parece encontrar aplicação prática da luta do bastão para luta de mãos livres na maior das escolas de wing chun do ponto de vista de um repertório técnico específico. Esta-se a falar de adaptar a Teoria da Linha Central, o principal ponto de convergência entre os modus operandi bastão e punhos, para a luta com o corpo posicionado mais de lado no mano-a-mano, o tipo de guarda mais usada em todos os sistemas de luta consagrados mundo afora.
The second answer, though no less obvious, surprisingly does not seem to find practical application of cane struggle to fight hands free in most of the schools of wing chun from the point of view of a specific technical repertoire. This is talking about adapting the Theory of Central Line, the main point of convergence between operandi bat modus and fists to fight with the body positioned over side in one-on-one, the type of guard most used in all fighting systems established worldwide.
The second answer, though no less obvious, surprisingly does not seem to find practical application of cane struggle to fight hands free in most of the schools of wing chun from the point of view of a specific technical repertoire. This is talking about adapting the Theory of Central Line, the main point of convergence between operandi bat modus and fists to fight with the body positioned over side in one-on-one, the type of guard most used in all fighting systems established worldwide.
SiFu Marcos demonstra Biu Kwun tal como aprendido com
seu Sifu Li Hon Ki. Note a base comum a estilos oriundos do
shaolin como Hung Gar, Tong Long e mesmo Karatê-Do.
SiFu Marcos demonstrates Biu Kwun as learned
his Sifu Li Hon Ki. Note the common base derived styles
shaolin as Hung Gar Tong Long and even Karate-Do.
SiFu Marcos demonstrates Biu Kwun as learned
his Sifu Li Hon Ki. Note the common base derived styles
shaolin as Hung Gar Tong Long and even Karate-Do.
Forrest demonstra Din Choi, adaptação de Biu Kwan para o boxe do Wing Chun.
Forrest shows Jin Choi, adaptation of Biu Kwan for boxing Wing Chun.
Forrest shows Jin Choi, adaptation of Biu Kwan for boxing Wing Chun.
No jogo do Bastão Longo você estará na maior parte do tempo com o corpo de lado para seu adversário, o que obrigatoriamente fará que a sua referência de linha central seja a menor distância entre você e um alvo válido em seu adversário. Na luta de mãos livres dois a dois, colocar o corpo de lado significa diminuir o espaço para o ataque do oponente, além de aumentar significativamente nosso alcance para o ataque. Por este motivo em nossa família tiramos das lições do bastão longo o soco Din Choi, que tem uma característica muito peculiar que é usar todo o peso do corpo para socar de lado com o máximo de potência, tornando este o soco mais pesado do Wing Chun no menor espaço possível. Pouca gente espera que um golpe desferido com a mão fronteiriça tenha peso o suficiente para machucar bastante, mas usando a força dos giros corporais e o exercício Din Choi - influenciado visivelmente por Luk Dim Boon Kwun e muito parecido com um famoso exercício básico Shaolin que supostamente deixara marcas de abaulamento no piso de pedra do templo, tal a força das pisadas dos monges ao longo dos séculos - o lutador de Wing Chun tem não apenas força para execução de golpes com o corpo de lado, mas também ganha alcance e distância de golpe impossíveis lutando apenas de frente, o que levou a nossa família ser apelidada de "Wing Chun do Caminho da Ponte Longa". O fato é que não há nenhuma invenção nisto, este é o mesmíssimo Wing Chun de Yip Man, e o apelido deve ser encarado como mais um característica dentre muitas possíveis de nosso sistema para diferentes situações de combate livre.
In Long Pole game you will be most of the time on the side of body to your opponent, which will necessarily that its axis of reference is the shortest distance between you and a valid target on your opponent. In the fight hands-free two by two, put the body side means to reduce the gap to the opponent's attack and significantly increase our reach to attack. For this reason in our family took the long cane lessons punch Din Choi, who has a very peculiar feature is to use the whole body weight to punch away with maximum power, making this the heaviest punch of Wing Chun in the smallest possible space. Few people expect a border hand blow struck to have weight enough to hurt a lot, but using the strength of the body turns and exercise Din Choi - influenced noticeably by Luk Dim Boon Kwun and much like a famous Shaolin basic exercise that supposedly left bulging marks on the temple stone floor, as the strength of the footsteps of the monks over the centuries - the Wing Chun fighter has not only strength to execute blows with the side of the body, but also gain reach and blow away impossible just fighting front, which led our family to be nicknamed "Wing Chun of the Long Bridge Way." The fact is that there is no invention in it, this is the very same Wing Chun Yip Man, and the nickname should be seen as another feature among many possible of our system for different combat situations free.
Na foto do parágrafo acima, note como é executado o Biu Kwun. Além da guarda pouco ortodoxa (na maior parte das escolas geralmente se usa mão mais forte à frente com o bastão), o braço direito levantado, embora exponha mais o lutador, confere mais força à estocada. Descontada a base, se você levar a movimentação dos braços para luta dois a dois, este será exatamente o mesmo jeito que o iniciante aprende a socar Din Choi - corpo totalmente de lado e tirando o máximo de força, para só depois aprender o modo menos exposto. É muito frequente em Wing Chun o praticante achar que não se deve usar força, mas numa luta em que você tem sempre metade da distância de luta dos estilos tradicionais (porque o lutador de wing chun prefere que o atacante esteja avançando forte para aplicar melhor sua técnica, o que reduzirá bastante o espaço), tirar força de todo movimento é algo imprescindível para o iniciante, já que partimos da idéia que nosso adversário é maior, mais alto, mais rápido e mais forte, ou tem vantagens de meio (arma) ou de número de parceiros na luta. O jeito de lutar com o corpo lateral na mecânica Tiu Kwun - Biu Kwun encontra equivalente no Gip Sao - Din Choi, o que possibilita ao praticante um alcance ofensivo que ele não teria levando em conta a interpretação radical da Teoria de Oposicão Frontal que prega que o lutador deve estar sempre de frente para seu adversário.
In paragraph picture above, notice how runs the Biu Kwun. In addition to the unorthodox guard (in most schools usually uses stronger hand in front with the bat), the right arm raised, although expose the fighter more, gives more strength to lunge. Discounting the base, if you take the movement of the arms to fight two by two, this will be exactly the same way as the beginner learns to punch Din Choi - body completely aside and taking the maximum force, only to learn the way less exposed. It is very common in Wing Chun practitioner think that one should not use force, but in a fight where you are half the distance of the traditional styles fight (because of wing chun fighter prefers that the attacker is strong advancing to better apply their technique, which will greatly reduce the space), draw strength from all movement is something essential for the beginner, since we start from the idea that our opponent is bigger, taller, faster and stronger, or has advantages medium (weapon) or number of partners in the fight. The way to fight the side body in mechanical Tiu Kwun - Biu Kwun is equivalent in Gip Sao - Din Choi, which enables the practitioner an offensive range that he would not take into account the radical interpretation of frontal opposition theory which holds that the fighter should always be facing your opponent.
In paragraph picture above, notice how runs the Biu Kwun. In addition to the unorthodox guard (in most schools usually uses stronger hand in front with the bat), the right arm raised, although expose the fighter more, gives more strength to lunge. Discounting the base, if you take the movement of the arms to fight two by two, this will be exactly the same way as the beginner learns to punch Din Choi - body completely aside and taking the maximum force, only to learn the way less exposed. It is very common in Wing Chun practitioner think that one should not use force, but in a fight where you are half the distance of the traditional styles fight (because of wing chun fighter prefers that the attacker is strong advancing to better apply their technique, which will greatly reduce the space), draw strength from all movement is something essential for the beginner, since we start from the idea that our opponent is bigger, taller, faster and stronger, or has advantages medium (weapon) or number of partners in the fight. The way to fight the side body in mechanical Tiu Kwun - Biu Kwun is equivalent in Gip Sao - Din Choi, which enables the practitioner an offensive range that he would not take into account the radical interpretation of frontal opposition theory which holds that the fighter should always be facing your opponent.
SiFu Marcos demonstra Gip Sao com SiFu Florentino. Note a semelhança entre
esta posição de defesa e a base usada na segunda foto deste artigo. Seguido à defesa
vem um forte Din Choi, com visto na foto abaixo.
SiFu Marcos demonstrates Gip Sao with SiFu Florentino.
Note the similarity between this defensive position and the base used in the second picture of this article. Followed defense has a strong Din Choi with seen in the photo below.
Din Choi. Foto: alunos SiFu Marcos para o livro Kung Fu Wing Chun.
Din Choy. Photo: SiFu Marco's students for the book Kung Fu Wing Chun.
Bem, para aqueles que pensam no Wing Chun (ou pelo menos o compram assim, nada contra) unicamente como uma ferramenta de defesa pessoal - e realmente concordo que a especificidade da luta penda para algo mais semelhante a este termo em geral mal empregado - é óbvio que o Bastão Longo não é exatamente a arma mais prática para se levar na mochila, como seriam as facas gêmeas (Baat Jam Dao), se é que você realmente acha normal andar com duas facas de açougueiro às costas, mas o treino com armas coloca seu senso de tempo e tomadas de decisões sob estresse em outro nível, mesmo que sejam empregados artifícios para suavizar o contato durante a prática, tornando a vivência desta fase de treinamento uma experiência fantástica de uma cultura física vigorosa e potencialmente letal.
Well, for those who think of the Wing Chun (or at least buy so nothing against) only as a self defense tool - and really I agree that the specificity of the struggle tends towards something more like this term generally misused - is obvious that the Long Pole is not exactly the most practical weapon to take the backpack, as would be the twin knives (Baat Jam Dao), if you really think normal walking with two knives butcher behind his back, but the weapons training puts his sense of time and decision making under stress on another level, even if they are employed artifices to soften the contact during practice, making the experience of this training phase a fantastic experience a vigorous and potentially lethal physical culture.
Well, for those who think of the Wing Chun (or at least buy so nothing against) only as a self defense tool - and really I agree that the specificity of the struggle tends towards something more like this term generally misused - is obvious that the Long Pole is not exactly the most practical weapon to take the backpack, as would be the twin knives (Baat Jam Dao), if you really think normal walking with two knives butcher behind his back, but the weapons training puts his sense of time and decision making under stress on another level, even if they are employed artifices to soften the contact during practice, making the experience of this training phase a fantastic experience a vigorous and potentially lethal physical culture.
É comum fazer o treino de bastão contra espadas e vice-versa. Quando você está com o Bastão Longo, tem de lutar para não desperdiçar energia, não se cansar e perder a posição para o avanço do adversário. Seus movimentos tem de ser precisos e você não tem uma segunda chance para se recuperar. Uma vez com as facas, o momento crítico é lograr com êxito o atacante com bastão que está confortavelmente distante para encurtar a distância e decidir a refrega. Com o bastão, buscar o máximo de eficácia com o menor gasto de energia significa mover-me não mais que o necessário e manter a mente focada em alcançar seu alvo. Perder um ângulo, desviar a arma um milímetro a mais pode significar morte certa. Por outro lado, manter a distância, cuidar dos ângulos e lutar com simplicidade podem fazê-lo um homem muito difícil de ser batido.
It is common to the staff training against swords and vice versa. When you are with the Long Pole, it has to struggle not to waste energy, not get bored and lose position to the opponent's advance. His movements must be accurate and you do not have a second chance to recover. Once with the knives, the critical moment is successfully achieving the attacker with bat that is far comfortably to shorten the distance and decide the fray. With the pole, seek the maximum efficiency with the least expenditure of energy means moving me no longer than necessary and keep your mind focused on achieving its target. Losing an angle to divert the gun one millimeter to more can mean certain death. On the other hand, keep the distance, taking care of angles and fight with simplicity can make it very difficult to be beaten man.
It is common to the staff training against swords and vice versa. When you are with the Long Pole, it has to struggle not to waste energy, not get bored and lose position to the opponent's advance. His movements must be accurate and you do not have a second chance to recover. Once with the knives, the critical moment is successfully achieving the attacker with bat that is far comfortably to shorten the distance and decide the fray. With the pole, seek the maximum efficiency with the least expenditure of energy means moving me no longer than necessary and keep your mind focused on achieving its target. Losing an angle to divert the gun one millimeter to more can mean certain death. On the other hand, keep the distance, taking care of angles and fight with simplicity can make it very difficult to be beaten man.
Outra coisa que se lê e ouve bastante no Wing Chun é que treinar com as armas deixa suas mãos semelhantes às mesmas. Isso não é tão verdadeiro porque as armas decidem mais rápido, enquanto numa luta equilibrada você pode ter de golpear repetidas vezes o adversário até surja o resultado desejado. Entretanto, conceitualmente falando, tanto a luta com armas como a de mãos livres contra um ou mais adversários seguem os mesmos conceitos como Bong (parar), Fuk (controlar), Tan (espalhar), dentre outros, e é justamente o exercício constante destes conceitos em diferentes situações que conferem ao Wing Chun o status de "sistema" e mantém coerência pratica de tal modo que, mesmo que numa situação limite você não tenha um bastão de 3,14m a seu alcance, um bastão mais curto pode reproduzir os mesmos golpes caso você domine o bastão longo, embora o contrário não seja tão fácil.
Another thing one reads and hears enough in Wing Chun is to train with weapons leaves your hands similar to them. This is not so true because the weapons decide faster, while a balanced fight you may have to repeatedly strike the opponent to emerge the desired result. However, conceptually speaking, both weapons with fight like a hands-free against one or more opponents follow the same concepts as Bong (stop), Fuk (control), Tan (spread), among others, and is just the constant exercise of these concepts in different situations that give the Wing Chun the status of "the system" and is coherent practices so that even if an extreme situation you do not have a stick of 3,14m at your fingertips, a shorter rod can reproduce the same blows if you master the long stick, while the opposite is not so easy.
Another thing one reads and hears enough in Wing Chun is to train with weapons leaves your hands similar to them. This is not so true because the weapons decide faster, while a balanced fight you may have to repeatedly strike the opponent to emerge the desired result. However, conceptually speaking, both weapons with fight like a hands-free against one or more opponents follow the same concepts as Bong (stop), Fuk (control), Tan (spread), among others, and is just the constant exercise of these concepts in different situations that give the Wing Chun the status of "the system" and is coherent practices so that even if an extreme situation you do not have a stick of 3,14m at your fingertips, a shorter rod can reproduce the same blows if you master the long stick, while the opposite is not so easy.
Assim como as demais estranhas formas (aos olhos leigos) do sistema Wing Chun são como manuais de instrução sobre a lógica da movimentação da luta, mais que a representação ou imitação imaginária da mesma, a forma Luk Dim Boon Kwan te mostra como defender seus ângulos vulneráveis usando a precisão como guia. Com o bastão, você se vê obrigado a ser totalmente objetivo, ecônomico em seu gasto de energia e usar seu senso de oportunidade para estocar e finalizar sem hesitar.
Like the other strange ways (to the untrained eye) of the Wing Chun system are like instruction manuals on the fight drive logic, more than the representation or imaginary imitation thereof, the Luk Dim Boon Kwan form shows you how to defend their angles vulnerable using accuracy as a guide. With the pole, you are obliged to be totally objective, economical in their energy expenditure and use your sense of opportunity to stock up and finalize without hesitation.
Like the other strange ways (to the untrained eye) of the Wing Chun system are like instruction manuals on the fight drive logic, more than the representation or imaginary imitation thereof, the Luk Dim Boon Kwan form shows you how to defend their angles vulnerable using accuracy as a guide. With the pole, you are obliged to be totally objective, economical in their energy expenditure and use your sense of opportunity to stock up and finalize without hesitation.
Estudar a arte de lutar com bastão dá a oportunidade de comparar as adaptações dos conceitos teóricos do Wing Chun aplicados a uma arma mais antiga e vice-versa, e isso lança uma luz sobre o flagrante desenvolvimento do sistema ao longo dos séculos, fortalece seu corpo, seu espírito e lhe dá orgulho (a quem fez o esforço para superar as barreiras culturais, étnicas, morais (imorais muitas vezes), financeiras e de mercado - nada pessoal às vezes é só negócio) de aprender uma técnica de combate que atravessou os séculos e perdurará ainda muito tempo, apesar de tudo.
Studying the art of fighting with the long pole gives the opportunity to compare the adaptations of the theoretical concepts of Wing Chun applied to an older and vice versa weapon, and it sheds light on the striking development of the system over the centuries, strengthens your body his spirit and gives you pride (who made the effort to overcome cultural, ethnic, moral barriers (immoral often), financial and market - nothing personal is sometimes only business) to learn a fighting technique that crossed the centuries and still endure long, though.
Studying the art of fighting with the long pole gives the opportunity to compare the adaptations of the theoretical concepts of Wing Chun applied to an older and vice versa weapon, and it sheds light on the striking development of the system over the centuries, strengthens your body his spirit and gives you pride (who made the effort to overcome cultural, ethnic, moral barriers (immoral often), financial and market - nothing personal is sometimes only business) to learn a fighting technique that crossed the centuries and still endure long, though.

Discípulo privativo do SiFu Marcos de Abreu
Private disciple of SiFu Marcos de Abreu.
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